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Shield Maiden Bracers
Shield of Guarding
+2 Mystic Staff of the Ancients
Acherin's Biting Bow
Armor of the Ancients
Bracelets of Bounding
Charm of the Ancients
Death Knight Shield
Earcuff of Sage Spite
Gloves of the Gladiator
Greaves of the Stalwart
Ioun Stone Amethyst Prism
Kilt of Divine Healing
Lenses of the Fae (2024 version)
Libram of Looting (2024 version)
Ring of the Ancients
Robe of the Ancients
+2 Rod of Focus (Onyx)
Amulet of Folkvangr (Onyx)
Bead of Greed (Onyx)